Mission & Philsophy

MISSION STATEMENT: Glorifying God through Transformed Lives

The mission of Legacy Christian Academy is captured in the statement: Glorifying God through Transformed Lives. That is, the mission of LCA is to glorify God through transforming lives by leading students to embrace and follow Christ. We believe this applies to every area of a student's life: academically, socially, spiritually, physically. Thus, we seek to lead each student to embrace Christ as their Lord and Savior and then to follow Christ faithfully in every area of their life so that the student's life is stewarded for the glory of God.



The educational philosophy of Legacy Christian Academy is established upon God’s Word. We understand that we have been commissioned to bring students to Jesus so that He might bless them (Mark 10:13-16). We recognize that the God-delegated responsibility of educating children lies first with the parents. Our desire, along with the church, is to assist parents in this process. Instead of our initiating a scope and sequence of education, we believe as a faculty and staff that we are to join God in His work of equipping and energizing students. Our standard of excellence in academic education is motivated by the divine realization that rather than training students to be successful in the world, we are training them for their God-ordained place and purpose in the Kingdom of God.

A term that describes our philosophy of education is “Kingdom Education.” Dr. Glen Schultz, in his book Kingdom Education God’s Plan for Educating Future Generations, defines Kingdom Education as the life-long, Bible-based, Christ-centered process of leading a child to Christ, building a child up in Christ, and equipping a child to serve Christ for the purpose of knowing, enjoying and glorifying God.

Foundational Principles of Kingdom Education

Principle 1  The education of children and youth is the primary responsibility of parents.

Principle 2  The education of children and youth is a 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week process that continues from birth till maturity.

Principle 3  The education of children and youth must have as its primary goals the salvation and discipleship of the next generation.

Principle 4  The education of children and youth must be based on God’s Word as absolute truth.

Principle 5  The education of children and youth must hold Christ preeminent in all of life.

Principle 6  The education of children and youth must not hinder the spiritual and moral development of the next generation.

Principle 7  The education of children and youth, if and when delegated to others by parents, must be done by teachers chosen with utmost care to ensure that they all follow these principles.

Principle 8  The education of children and youth results in the formation of a belief system or worldview that will be patterned after the belief systems or worldviews of the person’s teachers.

Principle 9  The education of children and youth must lead to true wisdom by connecting all knowledge to a biblical worldview frame of reference.

Principle 10  The education of children and youth must have a view of the future that includes the eternal perspective.

Principle 11  The education of children and youth must have as its primary focus the increase in the knowledge of God. 

Principle 12  The education of children and youth must result in performing work in fulfillment of God’s will for their lives.

Principle 13  The education of children and youth must be characterized by the pursuit of excellence based on godly character resulting in competent performance.

Principle 14  The education of children and youth must equip them to fulfill God’s highest purpose for man to glorify Him and enjoy Him for life and eternity. 

The main objective and purpose of LCA is to disciple students in a way that they may know Jesus more and make Him known. This is a fruit of grace that is accomplished as Jesus lives His life through them. We believe that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and that knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10). Not only is God the source of truth, He is Truth. Therefore, we approach all knowledge from a God-centered worldview. Love for God, rather than love for knowledge, is our aim. When God is given priority, all the other things will be added (Matthew 6:33).